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This was a thrilling success, because he is an amazing actor. I sent him a still from A Man for All Seasons, and he signed and returned it in less than a month. He signed it in black: it's not a sharpie, but it's thicker than a ball point. The inscription is very gracious: this success just plain made my day!
I have great memories of watching Magnum P.I., and so this success was a neat one. This color photo was provided by Mr. Selleck, and was signed in black. I haven't compared it to an in person signature, but I am still sure it is authentic. If you know where I can find a scan of his signature, please let me know!
Wow, wow, wow. Rufus Sewell is easily one of my favorite actors, period. I sent him a photo (one I scanned) and a silver pen to use since the photo is pretty dark. The silver paint pen I sent was used to sign the picture, and I believe it is authentic. I am still in the process of looking for a comparison scan, so until then I will not definitively declare its authenticity. I owe many thanks to another collector who e-mailed me an address to use--but I discovered that I did not write down the information in my records! If I can find the address again I will post it here. As you can see, I found the address. I discovered that I had (luckily) saved the letter I wrote to him on a disk. The address was included on the letter. Hurray!
If you send a request to Ms. Seymour without sending a photo, you'll most likely get back a pre-print. I decided to try my luck by sending her a picture, which she signed in black sharpie and sent back to me. I'm fairly certain it is authentic, as I've spoken with another collector about the subject (thanks Doc!), and it matches other scans I've seen.
This black and white picture was signed by both men. Gene Siskel is the one who inscribed the picture; Mr. Ebert just signed his name. Both signatures were written with a silver pen.
I was actually a bit surprised by this success. I know he has a fan club, and I was half expecting just to get information about how to join! He sent a wonderful photo of himself as Ares, which he signed with a black sharpie. I was quite surprised when I received a second photo two days later. I received the first one in my SASE, and the second one was from the fan club. The second photo was the same as the first, and he'd written the same words on it. The signatures are not exact matches, which rules out the autopen, and are quite similar to a scan of an in-person signature I've seen. I'm very glad about this one!
I was amazed at the speed of this success, since many people have reported waiting more than a year! The picture is a lovely close-up, and as you can tell from the inscription, she responded to my letter. It's a great thing to know that your letter is really read by the celebrity. Please, if you don't know who Ms. Sorvino is, don't take advantage of her generosity by requesting an autograph! She signed the photo with a blue sharpie, and the signatures do match in-person autographs. I've just heard from someone who has received an autograph from this address; it appears to still be successful.
This is a thrilling success! I did meet him in person while in New York [for full details, go to the Autograph News page], but I decided to send a picture of him as Data in Star Trek to get signed also. I loved that show, and still like it. He signed the picture with a black sharpie, and sent it back; it matches my in person signature as well. This address is only good until the first part of November, so send a request at your own risk!
As a long time fan of Unsolved Mysteries, I was delighted to get this success. The picture is of himself standing in a tunnel; it's a little eerie, but neat. He signed with a black sharpie.
I read some of Ms. Steinem's books in college. She is a strong, influencial, and admirable woman. The picture is a recent close-up.
As you might imagine, this was an exciting success. I truly had given up hope on receiving anything from Mr. Stewart, but he came through for me. I still want to compare this to in-person scans before I make a final determination about the authenticity, but I do have some hope that it is authentic. Not bad, after waiting almost 800 days!
A disappointing but understandable response. I received a letter from Sting's secretary indicating that he was hard at work on a new album, and is therefore not signing. I will try again toward the end of this year.
You probably notice something a little different about this listing, and that is that I haven't included the address. Every once in a while I will do this with someone I don't want to see buried with requests because I wrote the address on my page. Does this mean I won't give you the address if you want it? No--it just means that I want to make sure I only give it to people who are genuine fans and know who Mr. Stoppard is. If you do, and want the address, e-mail me with a little info. about him and I'll give it to you. If you think that's unreasonable, sorry. I don't intend to sound cranky, but that's the way it is. I won't withhold addresses too often (this is the first since I started this web page), and there are plenty of other addresses here for you to use.
This is another response that was definitely far beyond my expectations. I sent Mr. Suchet an 8x10 photo, which he signed and personalized, but he also sent a smaller photo--also signed--and a short letter. The letter is signed with a black ball-point pen while the two photos are signed in blue. They are all authentic.
This is a nice color picture, signed in black. For quite a while, I thought this was authentic; I am now convinced that it is a secretarial. Before sending a request, see the Autograph News page for full details.
Clive Swift sent a color photo, and the autograph is on the back. He signed with a black ball point pen. This success was wonderful because I have enjoyed his performance in Keeping Up Appearances. He has some of the most incredible facial expressions! He is smiling in the picture, though.
I sent Ms. Tallman a photo, which she signed and returned in my SASE. It was signed with a gold paint pen, and it matched in-person scans. I am satisfied that it is authentic. A price list for autograph photos was also included, with the prices ranging from $5 to $10. All proceeds go to charity. I've recently heard from another collector who sent a photo, and he received a letter asking him to send $5 to have it signed. I guess I was very lucky, because I wasn't charged anything.
I received this as on the same day as the Brian Austin Green success, but it is a very qualified success. It's a nice picture, but the "autograph" on the back is clearly a pre-print. It was not sent in my SASE, but was sent as a postcard instead. The picture ended up arriving a bit bent. Don't waste your time or money sending for this.
I am not completely sure whether this is an authentic signature. I suspect that it is, but I haven't been able to find an in-person scan to compare it to. In any case, the photo she sent is signed with a gold pen (it's a great photo, by the way), and is either authentic or secretarial. An unusual and nice thing about her inscription is that she is responding directly to my letter. This is a lovely and gracious response.
This was a thrilling response from an excellent actress! I've followed her career quite closely, and have enjoyed almost everything she's done. She sent a stunning picture--a close up that she signed in gold. I have compared it with scans of in person signatures, and know that it is authentic.
I sent a small Get Shorty poster which he signed and returned. Here's how I sent it: on the mailing tube I wrote my name and address, along with $1.50 US postage. Then I wrapped the tube with brown package paper; this is where I put Mr. Travolta's address. I wrote "Autograph Request" under his name, since it was an unusual package (I didn't want anyone to think it was a bomb!). There has been some question about whether John Travolta sends authentic signatures in the mail. I believe they are authentic; therefore I have marked it as such. For more information on my reasons, please read the Autograph News page. He signed the poster with a gold paint pen.
Ms. Tydings sent me a picture of herself as Aphrodite. It's on a subtly textured lightweight paper, and she signed in black. It's a great success because I think she is wonderful as Aphrodite. I have just learned that someone received a RTS from this address. You might want to try sending her a picture; I think she might have run out. In any case, use this address at your own risk.
3 September 1997: In-Person: Lucy Lawless
See Autograph News page!
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