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Hatcher, Teri: SP, 8x10 black and white.
411 days / Received 20 August 1998
151 El Camino Drive, Beverly Hills CA 90212
"Super Wishes, Teri Hatcher"
This was an unusual response. Ms. Hatcher sent a black and white photo, signed with a blue pen on a black area. It's difficult to see. There is white space in other areas of the photo, so the placement of the signature struck me as unusual. There was also an unsigned color photo included; I suspect someone else sent it to be signed and it was put back in my envelope by mistake. :( If anyone has any information about the authenticity of this message, please let me know.
This was a great success for me because I wasn't sure if I would receive anything. I guess this proves that you can't always anticipate what response you'll receive. The inscription is a reference to the letter I wrote. This is another one of those rare autographs that I won't automatically post the address. If you know who he is and want to write to him, send me an e-mail demonstrating what you know.
Ms. Helgenberger sent a nice photo; unfortunately it came through Studio Fan Mail, which 99% guarantees it is a pre-print. At least there was some effort made to have it appear genuine. If anyone has any information about whether she signs something you send to her, I'd appreciate it. She's one of my favorite actresses.
Mr. Heston is a great signer! I sent him a picture (I wanted one from The Ten Commandments as an Egyptian Moses) to sign, and he sent it back quickly. He signed with a blue sharpie.
It was a surprise to get this response so quickly. I previously sent a response in April, and hadn't heard anything. I do know that I received the picture in response to my second request, because I wrote my address in ball point pen on the SAE on the second envelope; this was the envelope I received. I have since found the address I used the first time, and I used the wrong street and numerical code. Ciaran Hinds is one of my favorite actors, and it really made my day when I received this response. He took the thin posterboard I had included out of the SAE, and provided his own thicker cardboard and picture. It's a nice close-up picture, too!
This was a wonderful response! I was especially appreciative of the personalized response in the letter and inscribed picture. He used a black pen (not a sharpie, but not a ball point) to sign the items.
Another nice response from England! The picture is a close-up, and was signed with a silver paint pen. I have compared it with in-person signatures, and it matches. It is authentic.
This success is interesting: I sent her a color picture to sign, but I never got it back. I received this one instead, along with an autograph from Hugh Grant that I didn't request. I suspect that she might have liked the picture so much that she kept it, and wanted to give me something extra in return. I am satisfied. She sent a very nice picture, and signed with a blue sharpie.
I had heard that Mr. Hurst sent pre-prints, but I thought it was worth a try, nevertheless. The reports were right. I received a pre-print along with a letter from the president of his fan club explaining that he gets so many requests, that he now signs for people who join his fan club. The photo is a nice close-up from Hercules, but the signature is dark against a dark background so you can't see it too well. It's not completely unexpected, but I had been hoping for an authentic autograph.
I was delighted with this success: she signed both index cards I sent and sent a picture as well. She is a talented woman who was in a movie based on one of my favorite short stories, "The Dead." She used a black sharpie to sign the items.
This was another great response, this time from an actor in Are You Being Served? John Inman played my favorite character in the series, and he sent a beautiful color picture, signed in gold.
This is a pre-print. It's a nice picture, with Kathy Ireland sitting on the back of a car. A pre-printed signature is on the back of the card, and there is another signature on the front: either a pre-print or an autopen. Either way, it's not authentic.
This autograph is one of my favorites, not because it is such an unusual response, but because Jeremy Irons is one of my favorite actors. The photo is a great one, signed in a heavy black marker, and the signature matches a copy of his autograph I saw in Reader's Digest. This success made my day!
This autograph is EASILY one of my favorites, because he is one of my favorite British actors. I send my thanks to Melanie for this one: my initial request to him was a RTS; I sent again via BBC, and hadn't heard anything; then Melanie told me about this address, and advised me to send a photo. I did send a picture and received this great response! I also sent a silver pen for him to use, because the background of the photo is very dark. He used my pen, signing boldly on the lower right part of the photo, and he kept my pen, as I asked him to do.
After originally getting a pre-print, I recently sent Ms. Judd a photo to sign. As you can see, I had more success doing this. The photo is signed in black, and appears to be genuine. I would like to rule out an autopen, however, I am open to more information from you.
3 September 1997: In-Person: Lucy Lawless
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