What's on YOUR Shelf

What's on YOUR Shelf

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I just finished reading Hamlet for my Introduction to Literature class. As for my private reading, I just finished George Sand's Marianne, and am slowly working my way through Lady Audley's Secret, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The latter is a great choice if you like the mysteries of Wilkie Collins.


Well, this semester for fun I read Sheri Tepper's book A Plague of Angels. If you like Tepper, it's a great read featuring a talking Coyote and lots of thought-provoking, troubling ideas about society and individualism. I continue in my Anthony Trollope binge with The Prime Minister, a darker novel than earlier ones in the Palliser series and marred (for me) by what seems to be anti-semitism. And, if you count it reading (I do!) I spent 3 weeks playing Riven, the new computer game, thinking about what it says, implicitly and explicitly, about narrative and texts and the future.

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