Send Me E-mail!

Of course you can send me e-mail! I do my best to answer all of them--sometimes I get behind, and I'm not always prompt, but I try. I do respectfully request that you read the following before you do, however.

First, do NOT use this e-mail address to try and sell me anything. This includes get-rich-quick ideas, business or office helps, and adult web sites. I'm not interested, I don't read the message, and getting these e-mails just makes me really cranky. So don't bother.

Second, if you want to submit some of your writing for consideration as a featured work, please e-mail me first to let me know you're sending some poetry or fiction or drama. This is particularly important if you are sending a large work or are sending an attachment. Give me some advanced notice so I know to expect it.

Thanks for reading. Now send e-mail to

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