December's Featured Writer

December's Featured Writer

Send feedback to Brian Kersey at

The Butterfly

I found today a butterfly
That flew to me from the sky
Right up to my outstretched hand
That it found comforting to land
I marveled at its grace and style
And prayed for it to stay awhile
Stay it did for quite a time
Until I grew to love it as mine
It walked about me so free
As if I were but just a tree
While it stayed I did grow fonder
Of the creature that had come to wander
It seemed to shutter at the sight
Of my shining face glowing bright
At that moment I freed my dove
If it returns then it is love

Love & Lore

When I became of the age
Perhaps close to a score
I caught the eye of some
Old wise or more a prophetic gent
Sent from some far off realm
To deliver me of my choosing one:
The deepest knowledge of a man
Or the deepest passions from within.

Quoted from the wizard to me a boy,
"Have of your choosing one of two
But no more than the one.
Choose wisely, friend; take care.
For once the choosing's done,
No deliverance from it will come.
Be diligent in your thoughts,
Before you speak a word.
Make no haste in this choice,
This choice of Love or Lore."

I thought a bit and a bit more,
And more and more I fancied great
All the knowledge of the world
Disregarding its awesome weight.
So I made my choice and in that 'stant
I knew my err was great,
For, you see, I was endowed,
My eyes opened to see so clear
That the path I had not traveled
Was the path I should have chose.

The Middle Child

She lives a life of helping.
Giving all she has
Always pitching in
To lend a helping hand
She'll do what she can
To help you get by
Never giving in to the thought
She hates her whole life.

She gives, she gives,
She gives, and the take.
They take all she offers
Without so much a thought,
Of the fact no one can give
As much as she does.
She never thought her help
Would drive her to this
But it seems to her
All they do is take more.
Soon the time will come.
She'll have to even the score.

She'll leave them behind.
Those needy and helpless
She'll run far away
Tothey place she has wanted
She'll do as she pleases
And never again be taken for granted
She'll leave them all forever
She'll go her own way.

Reflections In the Pool

He sits all alone
They all say he's cool
"He smokes lots of Pot"
"He's just too damn cool"
Trying so hard,
Not letting them down,
He's running himself
Straight into the ground.
He hangs by himself
He's better than the rest
They think so too
finding him the best.
He goes around stoned
"That's what they expect,"
He rationalizes to himself.
He's a living wreck.
They look at him now
And say he's so cool
These are his thoughts
At the bottom of the pool.

Send feedback to Brian Kersey at

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